Jaavin Electronic Solution
Your One Stop Solution for Circuit Board Design, Development & Manufacturing

This is what we do best
Electronic Design Engineering - Circuit Design and Development - PCB Design Service - Prototyping - Manufacturing
We provide electronic circuit design services for all sort of simple to complex application.
We are experienced in analog and digital design, embedded design, power supply, graphic display interface, wireless sensors, RF tranceivers and industrial design involving ethernet, USB, RS-485, RS-232 connectivity.
Board design consist of several processes. Component footprint creation, component layouting, trace routing, design rule check, layout review, Gerber file and assembly drawing generation.
The parts are arranged in such a manner to optimise the trace length, PCB size, EMI, functionality and manufacturability.
We provide complete turnkey solution to cater to small to high volume manufacturing quantity.
Our value added services for complete solutions for manufacturing are production planning, technical support during pre-production, production and post production. This includes parts sourcing, production planning, board testing and final box build

Your One Stop Solution for Circuit Board Design, Development & Manufacturing
Working With the Best Clients and Partners